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Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Stella Sessions - Part X

The Stella Sessions
12 April 1990

J: Can you tell me about the star room?
S: One of the rooms located more in the centre of the craft. Each time the rooms with the table have been to the left, towards the outer periphery of the craft or away from the centre of the craft.
J: Towards the outer periphery of the craft.
S: Yes, the outer edge. There is the star room. I think it was the first time in 1979. I turned right into that, turned left into the passage way and then from the hatch room, then right into the star room and they left me there walking on my own. At first when I walked in it was just like a room with, I think they had two seats and a type of control, in between the two seats. Like I’m seeing at the moment, this single stand and then two seats go out from the single stand and in the centre is a small control machine. There was a thing like we have in our gear box, like a manual stick located on that control, and I think I can see a little screen there as well. Where it’s positioned, it’s way over at the far end of the room. You have to walk right across the room to the other wall and they’re about three feet away, or maybe four feet away, from the other wall and facing that wall. It’s rather strange. And I can see there’s one tall alien. He seems like a Gray but he’s very tall. He’s telling me to walk in and to go and sit down and to look around. There’s nothing to look at really, there’s only the chairs. I start walking in and the further I walk in the darker the room becomes. And the dark it becomes I become aware that there are pinpoints of light like stars appearing. And it isn’t just the side walls, its the floor and ceiling so that by the time I’m half way across the room, it’s like looking down at the night sky.
J: Does it make you feel giddy?
S: It made me feel strange. I could feel the floor but I couldn’t see it. It was like walking in air. It’s really strange. And I got frightened. I became unsure of where the floor exactly was. I mean I could feel it on my feet. I knew I was standing on it but I just couldn’t see it. It was like looking through from millions of miles of stars. It was frightening. And I think there was some sort of step or lower level halfway through the room and I was getting a bit concerned because I was nearing it, and I just couldn’t see it, so I was anticipating it with each step. And I didn’t think I’d make it to the chairs.
J: What happened?
S: I think I turned around and hightailed out. It was just too much.
J: Can you remember? Let me take you back there. It must have been a wonderful experience.
S: I suppose it was sort of frightening and strange and exciting. It was really pretty. It’s my favourite room, the star room.
J: Can you remember the stars, the colours of the stars?
S: Mainly white. But it was really just like looking up at our night sky but sort of being in the middle of it all.
J: More intense than our night sky?
S: Yes. Much more brilliant, much blacker and the stars were a little bit bigger. Some were bigger and some were the same. And he said that’s how they drive. That’s how they see where they’re going. That’s how they navigate.
J: From that room?
S: Yes. He said that’s how they know where they’re going and they can change the...I don’t know, I suppose it’s like a...
J: A display? A pattern of stars?
S: Yes, they can change it so they know where they’re going. But it was almost like everything had disappeared, even the earth. And we could see the stars that were down through the earth. And the walls of the craft had disappeared had you could see through the walls.
J: The earth itself had disappeared?
S: Well, we must have had the earth somewhere behind us or below us, but when I looked down, it was like looking for miles and miles and miles through all these stars. It was like everything had disappeared and all you could see was the stars.
J: Did you know how far you were from earth? How far you’d come? Did they ever give you an indication as to whether they took you far from earth?
S: No. I remember when I first arrived in the craft I looked out through their glassless window and it must have been up about – I don’t know – I could see people down there but they were tiny and we must have been...i don’t know, its hard to say.
J: Several thousand feet?
S: No. It wasn’t that small. I could see everything. It’s like the cars were toys.
J: About a thousand feet? About two thousand feet?
S: But I could see everything. I don’t think it was that far up. Seemed more like being just ten, twenty floors up or something.
J: Have they ever taken you out into deep space?
S: I remember after the ’77 sighting. They put me in a glass cylinder, I think. They were in them too. There's just one or two that weren’t and we were lined along the wall. It’s like a wall that came about from a screen or window. And they opened up the wall and it was like a huge window into space. And then we just took off and it was like...everything sort of became like tunnel vision, all the stars just became like streets. We were going so fast. I remember my ears started paining, the pain was terrible and I ended up screaming out in pain and I asked them to stop and I think they did.
J: You must have gone a long way.
S: It was so fast. It was like everything was going into the centre. I had a feeling we were travelling at quite a speed.
J: Where did they take you to?
S: They didn’t take me anywhere. I don’t think they managed to because my ears were paining.
J: They came back.
S: Yes. Or stopped. That’s all I remember.
J: Was almost everybody in glass tubes?
S: Yes.
J: Except for two?
S: Yes, one or two.
J: Were they Grays or Blues?
S: I remember one was a Blue. I don’t know about the other. One was a Blue. Maybe I was in his capsule. Or maybe they had spare capsules. I don’t know. It’s just that I’ve never seen that room again.
J: You’ve never seen the star room again?
S: Not the star room, the one with all the capsules.
J: So you think that was the only time perhaps that you’ve been out into deep space in the capsule?
S: Yes.
J: I’d like you to tell me now what you think the relationship is between the people you call the Egyptians and the ancient Egyptians themselves you’ve been reading about in these two books.
S: I have a strong feeling that the ancient Egyptians modelled themselves on what they saw and on what their pharaohs saw, because their pharaohs were chosen.
J: Have they ever indicated to you there is any relationship between them and ancient peoples?
S: Yes.
J: What did they say?
S: They didn’t say anything. It was more what they did.
J: What did they do?
S: I have to go back to the ’79 sighting when I was standing on the road with a few friends and we looked up and there was that very strong, almost like a hypnotic pull and the window over their craft moved down to us very quickly. Or it was like my mind moved up to them, so that I was there mentally and spiritually. And I was looking through their window and the Egyptian looking driver – I presume he was the driver because he was standing at the bench which later I was also standing at, the bench with the controls – he was looking down at me. And I was struck by the similarity of his eyes, the way they have dark brown eyes, and the way his eyebrows had a very pronounced arch like the ancient Egyptians murals. I can't remember if his hair was long or of a shorter length. I think it was. I’m fairly sure it was because I said to my friend beside me, I said he’s like a Pharaoh. He was just looking at us. He didn’t blink his eyes. He just stood there. It was like he was reading us. It was a strange feeling. I said, ‘He must be a Pharaoh.’ And the next thing he did was he reached down with his right and lifted up this headdress, the gold and blue headdress that they wear, a stiff sort of helmet, sort of soft material, and he placed it on his head to cover his hair and I thought, ‘Well, they must be related somewhere, there has to be a connection. And he must have been a Pharaoh or their leader at the least.’ And I remember I was absolutely awed by the headdress. It was beautiful. The gold was such a deep, deep yellow gold and the blue – they must have been sapphires – was so deep a blue almost to be black. But you could see the blue light and it was amazing. I’ve never seen anything so vivid.
J: Have you seen anything like this in the Egyptian jewellery books that you were looking at, anything remotely like it?
S: No, no. They don’t have the Pharaoh’s headdress. The closest I could get to it would be the funerary mask of Tutankhamen. That’s the closest. It's  so much like that and it was just beautiful. I felt overpowered by it.
J: Have you ever indicated to you why they offered you the headdress?
S: No. The closest I could get to who I am to them would be when they offered the headdress and gold circlet with the plain gold copper at the top. When I think of it now, I feel ashamed that I refused it.
[End of session]


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