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Late Harvest by J D Frodsham is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Australia License.
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Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Stella Sessions - Part X

The Stella Sessions
12 April 1990

J: Can you tell me about the star room?
S: One of the rooms located more in the centre of the craft. Each time the rooms with the table have been to the left, towards the outer periphery of the craft or away from the centre of the craft.
J: Towards the outer periphery of the craft.
S: Yes, the outer edge. There is the star room. I think it was the first time in 1979. I turned right into that, turned left into the passage way and then from the hatch room, then right into the star room and they left me there walking on my own. At first when I walked in it was just like a room with, I think they had two seats and a type of control, in between the two seats. Like I’m seeing at the moment, this single stand and then two seats go out from the single stand and in the centre is a small control machine. There was a thing like we have in our gear box, like a manual stick located on that control, and I think I can see a little screen there as well. Where it’s positioned, it’s way over at the far end of the room. You have to walk right across the room to the other wall and they’re about three feet away, or maybe four feet away, from the other wall and facing that wall. It’s rather strange. And I can see there’s one tall alien. He seems like a Gray but he’s very tall. He’s telling me to walk in and to go and sit down and to look around. There’s nothing to look at really, there’s only the chairs. I start walking in and the further I walk in the darker the room becomes. And the dark it becomes I become aware that there are pinpoints of light like stars appearing. And it isn’t just the side walls, its the floor and ceiling so that by the time I’m half way across the room, it’s like looking down at the night sky.
J: Does it make you feel giddy?
S: It made me feel strange. I could feel the floor but I couldn’t see it. It was like walking in air. It’s really strange. And I got frightened. I became unsure of where the floor exactly was. I mean I could feel it on my feet. I knew I was standing on it but I just couldn’t see it. It was like looking through from millions of miles of stars. It was frightening. And I think there was some sort of step or lower level halfway through the room and I was getting a bit concerned because I was nearing it, and I just couldn’t see it, so I was anticipating it with each step. And I didn’t think I’d make it to the chairs.
J: What happened?
S: I think I turned around and hightailed out. It was just too much.
J: Can you remember? Let me take you back there. It must have been a wonderful experience.
S: I suppose it was sort of frightening and strange and exciting. It was really pretty. It’s my favourite room, the star room.
J: Can you remember the stars, the colours of the stars?
S: Mainly white. But it was really just like looking up at our night sky but sort of being in the middle of it all.
J: More intense than our night sky?
S: Yes. Much more brilliant, much blacker and the stars were a little bit bigger. Some were bigger and some were the same. And he said that’s how they drive. That’s how they see where they’re going. That’s how they navigate.
J: From that room?
S: Yes. He said that’s how they know where they’re going and they can change the...I don’t know, I suppose it’s like a...
J: A display? A pattern of stars?
S: Yes, they can change it so they know where they’re going. But it was almost like everything had disappeared, even the earth. And we could see the stars that were down through the earth. And the walls of the craft had disappeared had you could see through the walls.
J: The earth itself had disappeared?
S: Well, we must have had the earth somewhere behind us or below us, but when I looked down, it was like looking for miles and miles and miles through all these stars. It was like everything had disappeared and all you could see was the stars.
J: Did you know how far you were from earth? How far you’d come? Did they ever give you an indication as to whether they took you far from earth?
S: No. I remember when I first arrived in the craft I looked out through their glassless window and it must have been up about – I don’t know – I could see people down there but they were tiny and we must have been...i don’t know, its hard to say.
J: Several thousand feet?
S: No. It wasn’t that small. I could see everything. It’s like the cars were toys.
J: About a thousand feet? About two thousand feet?
S: But I could see everything. I don’t think it was that far up. Seemed more like being just ten, twenty floors up or something.
J: Have they ever taken you out into deep space?
S: I remember after the ’77 sighting. They put me in a glass cylinder, I think. They were in them too. There's just one or two that weren’t and we were lined along the wall. It’s like a wall that came about from a screen or window. And they opened up the wall and it was like a huge window into space. And then we just took off and it was like...everything sort of became like tunnel vision, all the stars just became like streets. We were going so fast. I remember my ears started paining, the pain was terrible and I ended up screaming out in pain and I asked them to stop and I think they did.
J: You must have gone a long way.
S: It was so fast. It was like everything was going into the centre. I had a feeling we were travelling at quite a speed.
J: Where did they take you to?
S: They didn’t take me anywhere. I don’t think they managed to because my ears were paining.
J: They came back.
S: Yes. Or stopped. That’s all I remember.
J: Was almost everybody in glass tubes?
S: Yes.
J: Except for two?
S: Yes, one or two.
J: Were they Grays or Blues?
S: I remember one was a Blue. I don’t know about the other. One was a Blue. Maybe I was in his capsule. Or maybe they had spare capsules. I don’t know. It’s just that I’ve never seen that room again.
J: You’ve never seen the star room again?
S: Not the star room, the one with all the capsules.
J: So you think that was the only time perhaps that you’ve been out into deep space in the capsule?
S: Yes.
J: I’d like you to tell me now what you think the relationship is between the people you call the Egyptians and the ancient Egyptians themselves you’ve been reading about in these two books.
S: I have a strong feeling that the ancient Egyptians modelled themselves on what they saw and on what their pharaohs saw, because their pharaohs were chosen.
J: Have they ever indicated to you there is any relationship between them and ancient peoples?
S: Yes.
J: What did they say?
S: They didn’t say anything. It was more what they did.
J: What did they do?
S: I have to go back to the ’79 sighting when I was standing on the road with a few friends and we looked up and there was that very strong, almost like a hypnotic pull and the window over their craft moved down to us very quickly. Or it was like my mind moved up to them, so that I was there mentally and spiritually. And I was looking through their window and the Egyptian looking driver – I presume he was the driver because he was standing at the bench which later I was also standing at, the bench with the controls – he was looking down at me. And I was struck by the similarity of his eyes, the way they have dark brown eyes, and the way his eyebrows had a very pronounced arch like the ancient Egyptians murals. I can't remember if his hair was long or of a shorter length. I think it was. I’m fairly sure it was because I said to my friend beside me, I said he’s like a Pharaoh. He was just looking at us. He didn’t blink his eyes. He just stood there. It was like he was reading us. It was a strange feeling. I said, ‘He must be a Pharaoh.’ And the next thing he did was he reached down with his right and lifted up this headdress, the gold and blue headdress that they wear, a stiff sort of helmet, sort of soft material, and he placed it on his head to cover his hair and I thought, ‘Well, they must be related somewhere, there has to be a connection. And he must have been a Pharaoh or their leader at the least.’ And I remember I was absolutely awed by the headdress. It was beautiful. The gold was such a deep, deep yellow gold and the blue – they must have been sapphires – was so deep a blue almost to be black. But you could see the blue light and it was amazing. I’ve never seen anything so vivid.
J: Have you seen anything like this in the Egyptian jewellery books that you were looking at, anything remotely like it?
S: No, no. They don’t have the Pharaoh’s headdress. The closest I could get to it would be the funerary mask of Tutankhamen. That’s the closest. It's  so much like that and it was just beautiful. I felt overpowered by it.
J: Have you ever indicated to you why they offered you the headdress?
S: No. The closest I could get to who I am to them would be when they offered the headdress and gold circlet with the plain gold copper at the top. When I think of it now, I feel ashamed that I refused it.
[End of session]


Monday, February 21, 2011

The Stella Sessions - Part IX

The Stella Sessions
8 March 1990 (cont.)

J: I want you to tell me about the time when you met the girl during your lunch hour. The one who asked you about Strieber’s Communion. And you’ll remember everything that happened. Can you remember how she approached you?
S: As I was just walking through the doorway out of the lunch bar. She approached me from the sight side where the steps were. There were a few people around the foot of the steps before she came.
J: What street was this?
S: This was downstairs in City Arcade, just at the base of the steps from the Hay Street Mall down to the Murray Street level. And she just came up and she was there at my side. I don’t remember seeing her walking down the steps. Just that she took a step towards me and asked me what I thought of Strieber’s novel.
J: Did she call it a novel?
S: No. She said ‘What do you think of Whitley Strieber’s books?’ The bluntness sort of took my back a bit and I had to think for a few seconds. I just replied that I thought they were a lot better than some of the rubbish that’s written. And I don’t know. She never actually said ‘his books on the alien visitors’. She never referred to them directly but that was the strongest impression in that line. It wasn’t until much later that I thought, well he does write horror novels as well. But I never even thought of them. She just assumed that I seemed to know what she meant, as to which books she meant. She then said she wanted me to go with her. And I said ‘But where?’ and she said ‘You know where.’ And I said, ‘Well, I couldn’t possibly. I’ve just finished my lunch hour and I’ve to go back to work.’ Then I said could we meet for lunch perhaps, another day. That’s when she said ‘I can’t eat.’ That comment took me back again. I sort of thought how did she know? How did she know unless she is one? But I still didn’t really think she was.
J: Has she indicated she was an alien at any stage? Did she use the word ‘alien’?
S: Not at that stage.
J: No. Can you describe her?
S: She was about my height, slender, pale olive skin, dark brown, sort of wavy hair, just below the shoulders. Just and oval shaped face, I suppose. She didn’t have a short nose or a long nose. It’s just balanced features. Brown eyes, they weren’t small. They were average to large. I think she even had a few freckles over her nose and cheeks.
J: Let the image come. You’ll see her very clearly. Can you see her?
S: Sort of. It’s not very clear. I can see her hair more than anything else.
J: Can you describe it?
S: It was layered, it was wavy about shoulder length. Had a fringe and layered sides and quite thick and wavy, light brown or mid light brown.
J: What is she wearing?
S: She's wearing a sort of chequered shirt or blouse and jeans.
J: She looks thoroughly normal.
S: Yes.
J: Did she know your name?
S: No, she never said my name.
J: And what happens next? You’re there, you can see it very clearly.
S: She then said ‘Wouldn’t it seem odd if she didn’t eat?’ and I said ‘Oh no, not at all.’ And then she walked towards the step and she said: ‘Don’t follow me because the contacts will see.’ Someone will see. Something like she’s got people around the place and they would see someone following her.
J: Did she say ‘the contacts’?
S: Yes. She said ‘contacts’.
J: ‘Don’t follow me or the contacts will see’?
S: Yes. I’m sure she used the word contacts. And then she took a step up. And then she turned around and she said, ‘I’m not really one of them.’ And I said, ‘I didn’t think you were.’ No, even before she said that, she said ‘You’re one of us’. And that took me aback because I’ve only ever heard that once before in 1979 and that really made me think. Well, maybe she is one of them. And then I thought about what she had said. And then I said to her, ‘Well, I’m not really one of you but if seeing your craft and seeing your people,’ I said, ‘makes me one, then yes I am, I guess. It’s sort of like it becomes not an obsession in your like but it becomes a big part of your life.’
J: Right. You said this to her?
S: Yes.
J: As you were walking down the steps?
S: Yes. I was trying to sort of tell her that I didn’t physically feel I was actually one of them. And then she seemed to refer to something about my not going with her. She said it was a pity. She said ‘I’d hoped you would this year.’ I don’t know what the year had to do with it.
J: What year was this?
S: ’89. She wanted to see it happen in the year that she was there.
J: What month? Do you remember what month?
S: February or March. Either late February or early March.
J: And she said she wanted to see it happen?
S: Yes. She wanted to see it happen while she was there.
J: Did she seem friendly?
S: Yes. But not overly friendly. Almost neutral.
J: Yes. Yet she was concerned about you.
S: Well, she said after that she or they would give me a year and then they would have to take me.
J: Within a year?
S: After a year, by the year. She said I’d have no choice next time. They’d have to. But I don’t know whether she meant for good or just for a short amount of time and then...I’m getting this image of being in the Hay Street Mall with her but I don’t remember going up the steps with her.
J: Never mind. Just follow the image.
S: We’re standing in the Mall, we’ve walked over from the City Arcade entrance, sort of down and across to the other side. There’s people standing around and walking past us. It’s crowded because it’s early afternoon. And then she’s saying to jump and I have to jump with her, but I don’t remember jumping, though I must have done, I suppose. If that’s how they go up. They jump and then the vacuum, that’s there sucks them up but they jumping gives them the impetus to be sucked up. So I’m just seeing myself very clearly standing in the Mall with her and she’s telling me to jump.
J: Now I want you to remember only exactly what happened. I don’t want you to fantasize or to tell me a dream. You’ll have to keep strictly to what happened. So you’ve got to the Mall are you sure, absolutely sure this incident really happened?
S: I remember seeing how sunny it was. It was so clear and sunny and people were everywhere. It was very crowded. I noticed how crowded. And no one seemed to even notice us standing there. And she said they wouldn’t notice because when I said they wouldn’t see us just suddenly go up or disappear or whatever, she said, quite calmly, that no one would notice. And I just remember how sunny the Mall was at that time.
J: Did you jump?
S: I don’t know.
J: When I count to five, you’ll remember everything very clearly, as you’ve done before. You wont be able to fantasize or dream. You’ll tell me only what really actually and truly happened. And you’re back there in the Hay Street Mall, close on a year ago. [Counts to five]. Now you’ll remember very, very clearly.
S: She sort of leaps up and she disappears.
J: And you?
S: No. I try it and then I remember looking down and I’m twenty feet up from the Mall and that’s all. The next moment, it’s gone very dark and there’s a small darkened room and a voice is saying, ‘You wont remember much.’ He said, ‘Just remember you can do whatever you want to do.’ That’s what he was saying. ‘All you have to do is put your mind to it and you can do whatever you want.’
J: So you were in a darkened room?
S: Mmm. The room is very dark?
J: Are you sitting up, standing or lying?
S: I’m standing, I think.
J: Who’s talking to you?
S: It’s a man.
J: Can you see him?
S: Yes. I can dimly make him out. He’s Egyptian looking and he’s got dark hair and large black eyes. He’s fairly tall, above average height, not overly tall, about six foot. He’s not wearing pale blue overalls but a slightly deeper blue and it looks like there’s some sort of pleat or something going down from his shoulders to the centre.
J: Is there anything on his head?
S: No.
J: Is the room really dark or just dim?
S: Dim. Dim like this room. There’s a doorway on the other side of him and that’s fairly bright. It looks as if the light’s coming from there into the room and there’s the old table there on the left between him and the doorway. I think they were showing me how they just put their hands over things and the things worked. And I thought that must be what they meant. And then I thought I must try that with the typewriter. Just put my hands over it and see if it will type for me. And that just seems to be how they worked.
J: What sort of things are they showing you?
S: They’re not really showing me much. He’s just gone over to the bench and there’s dials and knobs and it’s a short bench. The rest of it is either covered or there’s nothing. It’s just a sheet of metal. He just puts his hand over and the thing seems to work and light up. He has a lot of energy in his hands.
J: Have you seen him before?
S: Not this one. No. I don’t think so.
J: Does he seem to know you?
S: Mmm. He does.
J: What’s his manner? Is It friendly, reserved?
S: It’s reserved. It’s sort of like a friendly teacher to a pupil. But still a bit reserved. I had, of course, come in at the end. I can't remember why he was showing or telling me.
J: It's all there. Now you’ll remember arriving in the room and beginning the conversation.
S: I don’t really remember arriving in that room. The image I’m getting now, or the picture I’m getting now, is going up from one reality through another, through a hole and the arms or hands were grabbing hold of me as I came up inside to their reality.
J: To their reality?
S: Yes.
J: Where is your body at this time?
S: I don’t know. I think it’s with me. Because when I looked down at the Mall there was nothing there. It was just empty space.
J: Right. So you’ve just vanished.
S: I vanished but really I was up above.
J: Of course. And nobody saw you vanish?
S: No.
J: Why do you think that was?
S: I think they blocked the light so that they didn’t even see us walking into the Mall. I think they blocked the light, so even if they were looking at where I was standing they would just see what was on the other side of the Mall as if I wasn’t there.
J: They bent the light?
S: Something like that. They just wouldn’t even know I was there. Physically there.
J: Well, Bob Lazar tells the can bend light. Now you’ve arrive in their reality. What is happening now?
S: They’re holding on to me, sort of steadying me. I know we talked. But I just can't...all I keep going to next is that dark room and that guy telling me I can do whatever I put my mind to. He seems to be referring to the energy in my hand. You don’t need to actually physically do things. Just put your hand over it and it will happen if you think it, if you concentrate, if you think it.
J: You can use that energy for healing, can you? Can you heal yourself and others with that energy?
S: Well, he said I could do anything I put my mind to.
J: So you could use that energy for healing.
S: Possibly.
J: Perhaps that’s what he meant – that you should use that energy for healing. Tell what you can about the conversation. In particular, you will remember anything especially important that he said to you.
S: Well, apart from that, he said you wont remember this. He said as soon as you go down you wont remember this.
J: And you didn’t.
S: No. I didn’t.
J: But now you’re being permitted to remember and you know why don’t you?
S: Mmm. I’m not sure why actually. But I think it must be O.K. Otherwise it wouldn’t be happening.
J: Well let’s ask them why now. You’re in contact, you’re in touch.
S: What do you want me to ask them?
J: Just ask them why you’re being allowed to talk now, why you’re being permitted to remember. He’ll tell you.
S: The message I seem to be getting it because I’m away from him, and I think they mean my ex-husband. I don’t think they really liked him. They’re saying it’s O.K. now because they want me to talk.
J: Ask them why they want you to talk to me.
S: The main thing they seem to be saying is because you’re wise and you were chosen.
J: Who chose me?
S: They did.
J: Ask them what happened the other night.
S: They seem to be saying it was their energy beam and they were showing you that it could go through solid objects and solid walls.
J: And through me.
S: Mmm.
J: Does it do any harm?
S: There's something about a blue beam.
J: At that intensity is there any harm?
S: When it’s a strong blue beam it can knock you back. Something about that’s how they control us.
J: Yes.
S: But it’s like that guy had that same energy in his hand.
J: Ask if it’s the same that went through in the ashram in 1980. In Sai Baba’s ashram. Can you ask him that?
S: They’re saying yes and no.
J: Ask them who is Satya Sai Baba. They’ll give you the answer.
S: They’re saying he’s a divine...One of the chosen ones also.
J: Ask them if he's like Christ or Buddha.
S: They’re saying yes. He’s one of the divine....
J: Now come back to the incident when you left the Mall and found yourself in their reality. What was the important thing they said to you? Or the Egyptian said to you.
S: They seemed to be saying we could do what they do or I could do what they do. And I think they meant in general terms that we could be like them. We just have to believe in ourselves and think we could do it and we can do it. It’s as simple as that. Sounds too simple.
J: Why have they chosen you, do you know?
S: I get the impression it’s because I am easy to talk to and I listen. But I’m not sure how much of is true.
J: I think it’s very true.
S: They find me easy to communicate with. I think that’s the crux of the matter.
J: Why are so many animals being mutilated, especially in the United States, and why is it necessary? Why is this being done?
S: The impression I’m getting is that the...I don’t know how scientifically correct this is, but their cells are close to us.
J: Their cells?
S: The organs are close to us. They’re experimenting.
J: What are they experimenting with? Just relax, they’ll tell you.
S: They’re experimenting with the inner organs to see how similar they are to theirs.
J: To their own?
S: Yes. They don’t want to frighten us by using our own species.
J: Just relax, they’ll tell you.
S: They’re experimenting with the inner organs to see how similar they are to theirs.
J: To their own?
S: Yes. They don’t want to frighten us by using our own species.
J: Why do they use cows? So many cows.
S: Because they’re available. I suppose they mean they’re just there and they can get to them easily.
J: Let’s go back now to the same incident when you’re in this darkened room with the Egyptian. What happens then?
S: It’s time for me to go and I don’t really want to go. It’s sort of fascinating watching them use their hands and their energy. And I want to stay and learn how to do that. They’re saying for now I have to go back.
J: How do they get you back?
S: I don’t know how but I’m seeing the picture of another room and the same hatch square opening and down there I can see the Mall. It’s quite close actually, it must only be about twenty feet above it. It's sort of strange that they’re that close and no one’s looking up or even noticing.
J: If they did look up what would they see?
S: Well, I would think [unintelligible]. Of course if they’ve got the power to bend light then they should see the sky,
J: Exactly.
S: It’s just unbelievable how close they can be. And everyone is just carrying on like normal, walking up and down the Mall. I don’t remember going back in the Mall, but I remembering going down the steps and going into the office, I don’t have any recollection of any time passing. As far as I'm concerned I’m on time and I just walk in and go behind my desk and start work again. And then about an hour or two later my boss said to me, he has a very gentle nature about him and he said, ‘O.K. tell me why you were late.’ And I just looked at him and I thought I wasn’t late. I said to him, ‘What are you talking about?’ and he said, ‘You’re a couple of hours late, what happened?’ and he said ‘Where were you and what were you doing?’ And I started saying ‘I wasn’t late.’ As far as I knew, I was time. And I said, ‘I don’t remember.’ That’s when I looked my watch. My time was out to theirs by about two hours.
J: Your watch was...
S: Out. Mine was two hours or something behind theirs.
J: Did you show him your watch?
S: Yes. Because I said, ‘Well look, you know, this is my time,’ and they said, ‘No, it’s not. It’s such and such a time.’
J: I see.
S: And it was a new watch so it couldn’t have possibly have been out. * I thought perhaps the timing wasn’t too good.
J: You remembered nothing?
S: No. I thought he was having a joke at first. I just felt he was joking and I said, when I realized he was, and that my watch was out, I said, ‘Oh look, I’m sorry. I didn’t do anything. I don’t remember doing anything. All I did was eat my meal and come back.’ But I didn’t apologise because I still wasn’t convinced that I’d been two hours away and he wasn’t entirely satisfied, though he thought it was a bit of a joke because I hadn’t given him an adequate explanation. But I couldn’t. It was funny. I mean we’re all laughing a bit about it but I just couldn’t work out why I was so late. I hadn’t done anything.
J: I want you to go forward then to the time when another man came into the office and showed you his hands. Do you remember that incident?
S: Oh at the Airline Company in 1985 .
J: Yes. Let’s go back there. You’ll remember everything very, very clearly about this incident. Just tell me in your own words.
S: I don’t remember him coming into the office. All I remember is suddenly looking up and there he was on the other side of the counter. And I suspected something was going on because he had on the pale blue uniform. Or someone had found out about the uniform and they’re doing a practical joke. He looked sort of Arabic or Anglo-Indian.
J: Or Egyptian?
*Stella commented later: ‘No problem with that watch, even now.’

S: Maybe, yes. Sort of pale olive skin though. It wasn’t dark.
J: Like the girl in the Mall?
S: No. He was darker than her. She was a lot lighter. And he said he wanted me to go with them or go with him to the craft.
J: Do you think other people could see him or just you?
S: No, others could see him, because later when I was showing him around the office one of the bosses came up and said, ‘You shouldn’t show strangers around the office. You shouldn’t show people you don’t know around the office.’
J: Can you describe the office? Was it an inner office or the general reception counter?
S: Well, initially he was in the reception area with me and then we walked into the inner office.
J: Yes.
S: And I kept thinking it was just a joke. But before I showed him into the inner office (where all the other offices were and the sales bench was – that was a semi circular shape) he said he wanted me to go to their craft. I said, ‘Where is it?’ And he said it was out in the bush but not too far away. And I said, ‘Oh no, I couldn’t,’ because I was at work and I thought I couldn’t possibly go. Then we got talking and she showed me his hand. That’s right. He had gloves on and he took  one off and in fact he left it behind.
J: He left the glove behind?
S: Mmm.
J: Can you describe that glove?
S: It was pale blue and it was like a thick cloth or like it was sort of knitted. But it wasn’t knitted, it was woven.
J: Did it feel like cotton or some other material?
S: Yes. Sort of like a cotton, a thick cotton.
J: Is it usually for a man to wear pale blue gloves?
S: Yes.
J: What did you do with the glove?
S: Well I looked at it. Then he got talking about his hand and I said, ‘Oh, you’re missing a finger on both hands.’ He said he had it surgically removed to look like one of them. And I had a look at the side of his hand and there was absolutely no scar at all and I pointed that out. I said ‘Oh, there’s no scar.’ And he said, ‘Well yes, the surgeon did a good job, did an excellent job.’
J: Was there a stump with a finger perhaps?
S: No there was nothing. I mean you’d think there would be a stump. It was smooth like yours.
J: It didn’t have a gap or anything you’d have expected?
S: No.
J: So he really only had three fingers naturally on his hand. And the side of the hand, or the side of the palm flowed naturally out. Afterwards when I wake you up I want you to draw this for me.
S: It was like he had not little finger and the third finger was just a bit shorter than ours.
J: The third finger.
S: Yes, the ring finger.
J: The ring finer was rather shorter than ours.
S: But the other two were normal.
J: And the thumb? Did you see the thumb?
S: It was normal. He had sort of stocky fingers.
J: Did you look at the palm of his hand at all?
S: I saw the palm. It was just normal like ours.
J: Did he have lines on each palm?
S: Yes. I think so. Yes. Just quite normal looking, except  for that one missing digit. *
J: So you showed him around the inner office much to the annoyance of the manager. And he asked you to go to his craft in the bush and you told him you couldn’t go. What happened then?
S: I think he just left.
* Stella commented later: ‘I did not examine the hand for lines on the palm.’
J: Did he say anything else that’s of importance?
S: No.
J: I want you to think about this very carefully.
S: Oh, I think one of the reasons why they wanted me to go to the craft was because something was wrong. Either someone was ill or something had been damaged. I don’t know whether they wanted a part for the craft and they were going to get it through me or someone might have been sick and they wanted me to buy some stuff from the chemist or something. I don’t really know.
J: Were you to buy the stuff from the chemist or get the part yourself? Couldn’t they do it?
S: That’s what I thought. But they don’t have money, I suppose. Unless they just shoplift.
J: Do you think he was telling you the truth about why he wanted you to go to the craft?
S: No.
J: You think there was another reason?
S: Mmm. But at the time I didn’t think so. I thought he was being quite honest. But he forgot his glove.
J: An absent minded alien.
S: Mmm. And I remember the next day two investigators came and they...
J: How did you know they were investigators?
S: Well, I don’t know who rang because I didn’t ring [the local UFO society].
J: Well, nobody rang. They were there even though nobody knew except you and you hadn’t rung [the UFO society].
S: Unless the manager did but I couldn’t imagine him doing that.
J: Did the manager know that you were entertaining an alien?
S: No.
J: No. So the manager would be the last person to contact the UFO society. Let’s just have a look at these investigators.
S: Well, two of them were the same as those after the ’80 sighting that wanted to see the marks on my back.
J: Oh, the doctors?
S: Yes.
J: Did one have red hair?
S: I think so.
J: Well, we've seen him before, haven’t we? He’s a versatile chap.
S: There’s the same blonde one.
J: Alright. And this time they’re not “doctors”, they’re investigators.
S: I’d thought they’d be journalists.
J: Journalists this time? And is there somebody else with them?
S: Yes, there’s a third one.
J: What does he look like?
S: He’s tall and he’s got dark hair, dark brown eyes and olive skin. He seemed more like a scientist. I don’t know why he seemed like a scientist.
J: And how did they introduce themselves to you?
S: They just came in and started talking.
J: You were at the receptionist’s desk, were you?
S: Yes.
J: Did anyone else see them? Did anyone comment on them?
S: No.
J: They were just customers as far as the staff were concerned?
S: No. One of them, the scientist one, came from the other doorway.
J: Which other doorway?
S: The entrance into the reception area. And there’s the doorway into the inner office and he came from that doorway.
J: As though he’d been where?
S: With one of the managers.
J: I see. He came from the manager’s office.
S: Yes. Or from the inner office.
J: Did you see him go into the inner office?
S: No.
J: How do you think he got into the inner office?
S: He could have got into it from two other doorways. Unless he just materialized and appeared from that doorway.
J: And the other two came in like customers, did they?
S: Yes.
J: A trio?
S: First of all the first two started talking and then the third one came in after. I can't remember how they started the conversation.
J: Would you like to remember? Let’s go back and try.
S: I’m not sure they...I’m starting to get a bit tired. I think they said that they believed I’d seen someone or something unusual yesterday. And then they wanted to know all about it.
J: Yes. Did they introduce themselves? Did they give you their names? Show you a card? Say where they were from?
S: No.
J: Did they dispense with the formalities?
S: Yes.
J: And what did you tell them?
S: I just told them what I saw and then I said, ‘Oh, he left behind his glove,’ because it was still there on the desk. So I gave  him the glove and that’s when the scientist came in and he said they’d have to take it to study it.
J: Of course. Naturally.
S: And I said oh well, I didn’t know whether he’d be coming back for it or not. And they sort of seemed to think he wouldn’t ever come back.
J: Do you think what they had come for was the glove?
S: No because they didn’t mention it. Although they did ask if anything had been left behind or if I had any evidence or proof.
J: Yes, yes, of course. You had a glove for them. And when they’d gone?
S: Well, a few days later I was just thinking about it, thinking ‘I wonder what they found out’ when the blonde one came in. And he said ‘I shouldn’t be telling you this but the weave is a very ancient weave like the ancient Arabic style.’ And he said ‘It matches up with that.’ And then he went. And then a week after the first visit, the one in pale blue came back asking for his glove.
J: How embarrassing you hadn’t got it.
S: Yes. Well I said to him that some guys came round and they took it to study it. And he wanted to know if there was any way of getting it back. And I said I didn’t know where it would be or...I said ‘It’s probably in the United States by now.’
J: Why the United States?
S: I don’t know.
J: Did they have American accents?
S: No.
J: It just occurred to you it might be the United States?
S: Yes. Maybe they said they were going to send it there. Or take it there. So he was a bit put out because he said that was part of his uniform and he had to have it. And then he left. He wasn’t really upset about it. He must have a spare one or something. Then he left and that was it. He was only there for a short time, only about five minutes.
J: Concerning all these interviews that you have with the alien who lost his glove and the three fearless investigators, I want you when you wake up to remember anything that was said that you consider particularly significant or important. It may be something quite small, some detail or not just anything that was said but anything you noticed at the time was odd. Or any missing time when you were talking to them.
S: No I can't.
J: [Counts to five]. All quite normal?
S: Yes. Quite normal except I couldn’t understand why the blonde headed one came back the second time. Why I wasn’t supposed to know the results of the tests because he said ‘I shouldn’t be telling you this. You’re not supposed to know...It’s all very hush hush.’ But I couldn’t understand why they would want me not to know. I was the one that gave it to them. Surely I had a right to know. And I wasn’t upset by it. It didn’t worry me – the fact that it was an ancient woven cloth or whatever. But I couldn’t understand why they felt they had to keep it hush hush from me. That annoyed me.
J: I’m going to ask you one more question, and this time it will be your subconscious that will answer. Your subconscious will answer through your fingers. You’ll raise one finger if the answer is yes. Were these three men aliens?
S: Yes.
J: Were they friends of the man in the pale blue coverall? Were they working with him, associated with him?
S: Yes.
J: Is there anything else in that incident which you haven’t remembered because it has been blocked or censored, which you haven’t been able to tell me about?
S: No.
[End of session]


Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Stella Sessions - Part VIII

The Stella Sessions
8 March 1990

J: I want you to tell me now of your very first memory, when you were lying outside. Was it on the veranda in your bassinet? You saw these three white faces around you? Can you remember anything else?
S: Just a white light.
J: How old do you think you were at that time?
S: I don’t know. Six months to a year. I was still young enough to be in a bassinet. Maybe six to nine months.
J: I want you to go forward to your next encounter with the aliens. How old are you?
S: I’m pre-school age and it look like someone’s garden. I’m not sure if it’s ours or someone else’s.
J: Yes. Go back to that time now. You’re pre-school age. You’re in the garden. What’s happening?
S: I don’t know. I just see very distant. It’s very black. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel. There are faces bending over me in front of the light and I have a cut on my knee. It’s just that image frozen there. Nothing before or after.
J: Lets go forward a little bit to the next time you encounter the aliens. How old are you?
S: I’m about six.
J: This would be the third time.
S: Mmm. And I’m walking down the laneway and the next thing I see is just this white light. Everything’s turned into a white light. And I can hear voices talking and I think it’s God with Moses and Jesus or Moses and Abraham. Seems like they have beards, long beards.
J: Yes. What are they saying?
S: I can see they’re [unintelligible]...the light.
J: Yes. Please describe them.
S: The centre one is taller. It’s just their heads and shoulders. The other two are about half a head shorter and they look like they’re wearing cloaks.
J: It’s another trio.
S: Mmm.
J: Like the trio you saw when you were in the bassinet?
S: No, no. Totally different. In the bassinet it was like...I can mainly remember the one on my left. It was a white face with a small chin and a large skull and with big black eyes. These three are just a silhouette. They look like biblical figures. I know they said something. I caught the end of their conversation. I can't recall it.
J: I want you to go back there, to go back to that time.
S: It seems strange, like I’ve missed half the conversation. He’s saying something like I haven’t any need to worry. I don’t know what he means by that. I have to think. That’s the one that could be Jesus, I think. The one in the middle. And then one of them is questioning whether I am be the right one and the main one in the middle says that I would be good enough for the purpose. There’s something I have to do. Or he seems to be approving his choice of something. It’s very hard to make out what it’s all about.
J: Let’s move forward now to your next encounter. How old are you now?
 S: I was about eight and a half. And I was in my bedroom when the moonlight filled the room. It was very pretty in fact. It lit the room up. And that’s when I floated out of the room and out through the window in my brothers bedroom. And I saw those white figures. They were calling me out to play and I went out and I danced with them and I played with them. And then they wanted to measure me. They measured everything. My arms, my head, my back. So many things they measured.
J: Who were these little people, do you know?
S: There’s the tall one who came out of that ball of light and I thought he was Jesus. He was the only tall one and all the small ones were like little angels or something.
J: Let’s come back to this memory. What’s happening now?
S: I see a black platform on the right. It looks a cage or something. It feels strange.
J: Look at it more closely. Tell me what you see.
S:  It’s a square and it’s black. It’s like a cot. It has a rail around it and then it has another black thicker rum around the top.
J: How big is it?
S: I could sit in it. I remember that cot, but I don’t remember what happened. I think it just floated up.
J: Were you in it?
S: I was.
J: You were inside the cot with the rails?
S: I know I was. But I don’t remember.
J: You don’t remember, you say?
S: I remember I was in it. But I don’t know what happened when I was in it.
J: Let’s find out what happened when you were in it. When I count to five you’ll find you’ll remember what happened. [counts]
S: I remember lying on the base of it and I don’t know how I got in it. I don’t remember going in it. And it floated up. It went right up and it went very fast too.
J: Where did they take you?
S: I never would have remembered it before.
J: No. But you’re remembering it now.
S: I can see a circular thing up in the sky above it with a square door in it, with a square hatch. And it has four lights on the base of the circle. It has four small globes.
J: Because it’s dark, isn’t it?
S: They’re shining but they don’t seem to be illuminating the craft. The craft seems to have a fluorescent glow about it. I remember being terrified.
J: Recovering these hidden memories is going to help you a lot. You’re going to be much happier. So now you’re travelling to this circular object with the light on it. And you’re approaching it. What’s happening now?
S: Now I can see the image of the base.
J: Go into it. Now you’re through the base. You’re inside this object. What can you see?
S: I don’t know. It’s sort of...I’ve never remembered this before.
J: When I count to five again you’ll recover the memory. [Counts]. Now you can see very clearly.
S: It’s sort of a squarish and roundish room. It has in the corner a piece of wall that juts out and it starts off level out from the corner and then it it nears the floor it curves in. It’s quite strange. It’s very small. It’s not big, it’s quite small.
J: What about the colour in the light.
S: It’s well lit by a golden light. It’s a huge circular golden light. More like a faceted sort of light. Like a faceted diamond or something. It’s really quite different. Actually now the picture is getting bigger. It’s a much bigger room. It’s huge. It’s a strange room. The floor is white from the light up above.
J: Are there people in the room?
S: There are doors way, way off. Way, way over in each wall. And the doors seem quite tiny against the height of the wall. There’s a few people in black cloaks. They’re moving from one doorway to another. Long, long black cloaks.
J: And where are you?
S: I’m over near one wall. It’s so silent and eerie and echoey.
J: Are you all alone or is there somebody with you?
S: There's one of those white ones. It’s all white.
J: One of the white ones. One of those who measured you?
S: No. He’s not glowing like them. He’s about their height but he’s not glowing. And the cages of the black thing I’m in are folding outwards.
J: The cot?
S: Mmm. They don’t go down to my feet. All fold out. And that white one’s helping me out. He almost looks like a little white ant. His face looks like an ants face.
J: Are you frightened of him?
S: A little bit.
J: You’re a brave girl.
S: It’s so strange because I don’t know whether I’m going out or floating out. I’ve never seen it before. It’s really strange. I don’t really remember much more. I can see the room but I can't see what happened or didn’t happen.
J: Well, we’ll find out. Would you like to know what happened?
S: Yes.
J: Now, we’ll go back to this memory.
S: I can see a table and its leg curves in and then curves out to the table. The table is square and sharp. There’s a doorway behind it. It’s all dark. The doorway is open but it’s not lit on the other side. It’s almost like we’re in a corner or small room off the main room; that there’s no walls between the small room and the main room. It’s all open space.
J: Who’s there with you now?
S: There’s the little ant man. I think there's someone in black.
J: Someone in black?
S: Mmm.
J: Someone in a black cloak?
S: I can't be sure.
J: And you’re on the table?
S: Mmm.
J: Are you lying on the table or sitting on the table?
S: Actually I’m not on the table. I’m looking at it.
J: You’re looking at the table?
S: Mmm.
J: What happens now?
S: No. I can't see anything happening.
J: Go forward a bit in time see if you can see something happening?
S: I think that’s me on the table but I’m not sure. Like I’m watching it. There’s someone on the table.
J: What’s happening to the someone on the table?
S: There’s a small white spotlight just going up and moving down. The beam’s coming from way up high. Its just going up and down and that’s it. That’s all I’m seeing at the moment.
J: Go ahead a little further.
S: I can hear a humming, a soft humming.
J: Can you see anyone?
S: Not when I was looking at that beam on the table. There didn’t seem to be anyone else around. I’m sure they’re back there. I can sense they’re there but they’re standing back. I look as if I’m dead I’m so still. I’m absolutely still.
J: Are you dressed or undressed?
S: I’m dressed.
J: What are you wearing? Can you see?
S: Looks like a dress but I don’t remember a dress. I should have been wearing my nightie or pyjamas and a gown or something.
J: Well, let’s assume it’s a nightdress.
S: There’s one near me. Like I’m looking on the scene and there’s one near me on the left looking at a bench and a screen and he’s wearing a black cloak.
J: Can you see his face?
S: It’s half in shadow. It’s sort of black hair, shiny, shiny blue black hair. Very white skin. It doesn’t really look like a human face. I mean his eyes are a bit more like the antman. He’s got that shaped face but he’s a lot taller and he's got normal eyes and a very straight long nose but I can't really see his mouth. I can see his long chin but not a mouth.
J: When you wake up I want you to draw this for me. I want you to draw the antman and to draw the man in the black cloak and the table. Now some more images are coming. What are they?
S: It’s just that room.
J: Let’s go forward a little bit in time.
S: No. I don’t think anything else has happened. I think I’m just floating back and going back with the cage.
J: Going back in the cage. Are you asleep in the cage?
S: Yes. And it’s going down through the night sky very very. And then it's  slowing down just before it hits the earth back in the same spot.
J: In your garden?
S: Yes. Right in the same spot.
J: And what happens now?
S: I’m outside of it and I’m floating away from it. Gloating back through the window. And gloating back to my room except I pass myself on the way.
J: Tell me about yourself?
S: I look old.
J: What are you doing?
S: I’m asleep but standing up in the passageway. I look very old.
J: How do you know it’s you?
S: Because it looks like me.
J: How old would you say you are?
S: It’s hard to say because there’re so many shadows on her face. She could be about forty. I’m old. Very old.
J: Forty isn’t very old.
S: It seems very old [to a child].
J: How do you feel when you see yourself old?
S: I’m very surprised and I’m very sad because I’m so old. I feel sorry for myself. It’s hard to explain. And I'm holding a bible. And then I'm floating back to my bedroom. It’s almost like I said to myself ‘Come back to bed.’ I’m floating back into the room. I don’t think that I floated. I think it was more like being sucked back. One minutes I was aware I was floating, next minute I was suddenly thrust back into the bed. A strange feeling.
J: Now I want to take you to the time when two or three UFO investigators came to your house. Do you recall that time?
S: Which time is that?
J: They wanted to examine you.
S: They wanted to check that I didn’t have any marks on my body because one didn’t believe what was going on. He was very cynical and had red hair, I think. That one. And they came and introduced themselves to my parents and I think I was in another room, because my sister came and called me out. And I came out and I explained to them what had happened and then they said they’d like to see if there were any marks on my arms or body.
J: Which incident was this?
S: It must have been after the January 1981 incident. After I’d taken those tablets.
J: Now who was it told them about this? Did you ask them who told them?
S: No. I don’t know how they knew. Maybe my parents told them. Maybe they were doctors from the hospital. I don’t know.
J: I want you to look at these people carefully, envisage them carefully.
S: I can only picture two. One with red hair and one with the blonde hair. The one with the blonde hair is much younger. I think he was a student.
J: You’ll know whether these people were what they claimed to be, or whether they’re something else. Whether they’re aliens or not.
S: I don’t think they were. I think they were just humans because the one with the red hair looks so much like one of the doctors there at the hospital. I would say they’re just ordinary people.
J: How did they become aware of this incident?
S: They said it was reported.
J: By whom? Nobody knew but your parents. Can you be sure you told your parents?
S: They did say because I asked them. I wasn’t too happy. I didn’t really want to talk. I thought they were reporters or something. For some reason I had the impression they were reporters, even though the one with red hair looks very much like the doctor.
J: At which hospital?
S: At Royal Perth. I don’t think they were doctors. I think they might have been reporters or investigators or something. Anyway I think I changed into bathers or something and I came out and they then asked me what the marks on my arms were.
J: The bruises?
S: Yeh. I’ve never noticed them till they pointed them out. And I looked at them  and I said to them: ‘I didn’t even know I had them.’ I didn’t even know they were there. And they said it must have been something with three fingers because they weren’t four finger marks. They were trying to place their fingers on the bruises to work out how they were made. And then they asked me to turn around and I showed my back and one of them said there was something on my back.
J: Can you describe it?
S: I think he said it was like an Arabic letter or word. And I don’t know how he could see it.
J: Arabic? Aramaic?
S: Arabic, I think. Maybe Aramaic. That’s the same thing is it? *
[* The two languages are quite distinct, though related.]
J: I want you to go back to the moment when they appeared and tell me what they said they were and who they said they were. What their names were. Where they’d come from? Who did they say had reported it? Who had informed them of it? This is important. Where did they come from?
S: They came from the hospital I think.
J: They said they came from the hospital?
S: Mmm. And they wanted to check that I was O.K.
J: Who had reported this?
S: I don’t know.
J: Look at them carefully, these people. They’ve come from the hospital they say. They’ve come all the way from the hospital especially to see you. They don’t ask you to come to see them. They come to see you. Is that likely?
S: I don’t know.
J: Do doctors behave like that?
S: Mmm, not usually.
J: I’ve never known it. But let’s look at them.
S: They’re quite normal looking.
J: Yes, of course.
S: There’s the red haired one with the blue eyes and freckly skin and the blonde haired one with blue eyes.
J: Right, right.
S: He’s got pale skin too.
J: Yes, but look at them carefully. Is there anything you can see about them that isn’t quite right, apart from the fact that they’re here when they shouldn’t be here?
S: They just seem to be treating it not in a serious manner just rather light hearted. Though when they see the bruises and that they’re a bit taken aback. I don’t think they were expecting that.
J: Who reported it? Who reported this incident to them?
S: My parents must have. They reported that I had been missing for a few hours perhaps. That must have been what happened and they said not to bother me but that they would come out and see me and they did.
J: Did you see how they’d arrive?
S: No.
J: Did you see them leave?
S: No.
J: Did your parents see them leave? Did your parents see them to the door?
S: No. It’s rather strange because no one was around when I’m talking to them and I remember them saying that was O.K. thank you when they left.
J: Where are your parents?
S: They’re not in the room.
J: Where are you? In what room?
S: I was in the lounge room with them.
J: And Mark and Caroline? Your parents?
S: I don’t know. I’m a bit annoyed with them all because they’re nowhere around. I think my sister was in the bedroom.
J: Why are you annoyed?
S: Because they just disappeared. They just went. I think the men asked to be alone with me in the lounge room.
J: Do you find that strange when you think about it?
S: Yes I do. I don’t like it. And I’m a bit angry about it. And I’m very angry with the two men.
J: Why?
S: Because I didn’t want to have to show them any markings and I resented them.
J: Did you have to show them?
S: No. But they really wanted to check and make sure that I was O.K. That I didn’t have any markings.
J: Why would they want to check that you didn’t have any markings?
S: I don’t think they quite believed my story, or my parents, that I’d disappeared. But when they saw the bruises they seemed to be taken aback a bit. After I had dressed and returned to the lounge room they said it was all a dream.
J: They told you it was all a dream? They saw the bruises and still told you it was all a dream?
S: Mmm.
J: can you see what’s wrong with that reasoning?
S: Yes.
J: Your parents aren’t there?
S: No.
J: The men come and see your bruises and still tell you it’s all a dream?
S: Mmm. After I’ve gone back into the bedroom to change. Then they left. I don’t remember them leaving.
J: You didn’t see them out of the house?
S: No.
J: They didn’t say goodbye?
S: No.
J: They just walked out without saying goodbye?
S: I don’t know if my mother came back in then and saw them off or not.
J: Let’s go back to that incident now. You’re going to the bedroom to change and you come out again out of the bedroom you’ve changed. Where is your mother? You’re remembering everything.
S: I think she was in one of the back rooms. She’s still in her housecoat.
J: So the men didn’t even have the courtesy to wait or say goodnight.
S: I remember them telling me after I’d changed. I remember them saying it was all a dream.
J: And the bruises were inflicted in the dream?
S: Mmm. They didn’t even explain about the bruises. They just said it couldn’t possibly have happened.
J: Did they look at the bruise on your hip?
S: Yes. They saw all the bruises and all the marks.
J: Is that why you had to put your bathers on?
S: Yes. So they could check and see.
J: What did you put on actually?
S: I think it was my underwear perhaps. Or a pair of bikinis perhaps. Something like that. So they could see my back and my midriff. They didn’t stay long after that. But I still don’t know if my mother came in after that or not.
J: I want you to try and recall anything at all unusual about the way the men looked or the way they behaved or anything they said.
S: No. There's nothing unusual. The one with red hair is wearing....They’re both fairly neatly dressed. I can't recall whether they wore a full sit or not. But he had a tie and a shirt. No. They seemed really normal.
J: Were your mother or father surprised at their visit?
S: I don’t even remember hearing my mother say anything about it. I remember my sister telling me they were there and I recall hearing my mother talking to them from another room. I don’t know.
[End of session]